Common |
Q: What is license of the software? |
A: The Plazma ERP+CRM is licensed under the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL).
Q: What operating systems are supported Plazma ERP+CRM? |
A: The Plazma supports the following operating systems:
Q: What databases are supported Plazma ERP+CRM? |
A: The Plazma supports the following databases- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- Firebird
Q: What technology is used in the project? |
A: The project uses the following technologies:
Programming language
Service and Transaction Management
Security System
Desktop client
Reporting system
Q: Can I get the source code? |
A: Yes, the source code available to download section.
Q: During the launch of error "Cannot open connection" and the application does not start. How do I solve this problem? |
A: No access to the database. There are three main reasons:
- Wrong configured database
- Missing JDBC driver for database
- No database
To connect to the database, see How to connect to a database?
Check a availability JDBC driver for database and if necessary, download a driver from the site of the database and change the CLASSPATH
Check a database and if you want to create it using SQL scripts included in the installation.
For more information see How to create a database?
Database |
Q: How to create a database? |
A: By default Plazma ERP+CRM uses HSQL database.
A installation of the Plazma includes physical database files only to HSQL.
The files available in a folder <Plazma>/db/hsql.
If you want to use a database of other vendors,
you have to create database and run SQL scripts.
To create a database, you can use various tools.
For example:
- Oracle - SQL* Plus
- PostgreSQL - pgAdmin
- MySQL Query Browser
- Firebird - ISQL, IBExpert
- HSQL - Database Manager (<HSQL>/demo/runManager.bat)
SQL scripts available in <Plazma>/db/result folder.
You can run the following script to create structure and fill a new database:
<Plazma>/db/script/createdb/<database-vendor>/<language>/create_plazma_db.sql - live database
<Plazma>/db/script/createdb/<database-vendor>/<language>/create_plazma_db_demo.sql - demo database
<database-vendor> - vendor of the database (oracle, postgresql, mysql, firebird, hsql),
<language> - language (en, de, ru, uk)
For the Firebird database and the English language:
<Plazma>/db/script/createdb/firebird/en/create_plazma_db.sql - live database
<Plazma>/db/script/createdb/firebird/en/create_plazma_db_demo.sql - demo database
Q: How to connect to a database? |
A: By default Plazma ERP+CRM uses HSQL database.
In order to use that database with another vendor,
you can create a new database using SQL scripts included in the installation.
Setting connect to the database is in <Plazma>/conf/
Demo mode set in <Plazma>/conf/ file: plazma.platform.demo = true. example:
# Setting connection for Firebird
Application Server |
Q: How do I configure the server part? |
- Lite server
To start the Lite server you have to run the follow command file:
By default the server uses 2005 and 2007 ports.
2005 is the service port (call services)
2007 is the command port (call commands)
If your system already uses data ports, it is necessary to change the server configuration.
You can set the service port in <PlazmaServer>/conf/application-context-rmi.xml file:
<bean class="org.springframework.remoting.rmi.RmiServiceExporter">
<property name="serviceName"><value>ServiceInvoker</value></property>
<property name="service"> [org.plazmaforge.framework.platform.service.ServiceInvoker</value></property>
<property name="registryPort"><value>2005</value></property>
If you change the service port on the server then you have to change the service port on the client!
The ports on the server and the client must be equal.
The client port set to <PlazmaClient>/conf/ file.
See the client configuration.
You can send the command port as a parameter when you start the server:
start_server.bat -commandport 2007
----- -commandport 2007
Connecting to the database is configured in <PlazmaServer>/conf/ file.
For more information on connection, see How to connect to a database?
Q: How do I configure the client part? |
- Lite client
You have to set RMI in <PlazmaClient>/conf/ file. = localhost
rmi.port = 2005 - server host, rmi.port - service port (by default 2005)
The service port on the client must be the same as the service port on the server.
See How I do configure the server part?
Develop |
Q: How do I download the source code? |
A: The source code is available in the downloads section of the site. You can also download the code from CVS.
The source code in the CVS may differ from the last version, it is less stable, but reflects the state of development to date.
Q: What tools needed to develop Plazma ERP+CRM? |
A: To develop the Plazma like any Java project, you must have defined your computer JDK 1.5 and above.
For editing Java code, you can use any text editor, but better solution is using a development environment (IDE)
For example:
Q: I can not compile the project, I have many ClassNotFound exceptions. I use the ant task. How do I solve this problem? |
A: Perhaps your project has not necessary JAR files. To begin, you have to check the JAR files.
The project has two subprojects: framework and bsolution.
The necessary JAR files available in lib folder.